Unique Patented Cell Regeneration Technology to Combat Liver Cirrhosis

About Us

Human Autocell has developed a proprietary cell regeneration procedure to combat liver cirrhosis which is proven, safe, cost-effective and provides a better quality of life for patients with chronic liver disease.


The cell regeneration procedure to arrest cirrhosis is simple and safe. A tissue sample is excised from the patient’s liver and the healthy cells are isolated. Using ‘scaffolding technology’, the cells are seeded in vitro on Human Autocell’s unique, patented Porocell matrix. Seeding is rapid and takes a few days before the matrix is implanted into the patient’s abdominal cavity. The matrix is biodegradable and degrades over time in the patient’s body with no ill effects. With many successful procedures carried out to date, the technique is proven, fast, and improves the quality of life. Patients typically recover over a fourteen-day period.


Human Autocell started in 2003 as an R&D firm involved in the development of cell regeneration techniques. Its first breakthrough came when the team found a way to successfully use scaffold technology to grow cell cultures in vitro in its labs. The company developed this into a procedure approved for 75 patients in Germany; a highly efficient treatment for a disease that requires transplantation.


Human Autocell holds global patents and published papers on its findings.  Studies look at traditional methods of managing liver cirrhosis such as abiotic artificial livers, bio-artificial livers, compound artificial livers and transplantation. The relative merits and demerits of these treatments are compared to the advanced work on cell regeneration in vitro growth using Human Autocell’s patented 3D cell regeneration procedure.


Please get in touch to learn more about working together.

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If you have any questions, you can email us at info@humanautocell.com


Kind Regards,


The HAL Team